Our Kids Our Choice is a growing group of over 10,000+ Californian registered voters who are parents, grandparents, doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, business owners, concerned community members. Spontaneously formed, diverse and supported by thousands of eager and civic-minded members, we have come together to defend the civil liberties of all Californians by voicing our opposition to medical mandates, including California Senate Bill 277 (Pan/Allen). We believe it is in our best interest as a society to maintain freedom of choice for what we put into our children’s bodies and our own.





Medical mandates, such as SB 277, remove civil and constitutional rights. Our Kids Our Choice adamantly opposes this removal of liberties.

The time is NOW. Act NOW.
​Raise your voice NOW. Donate NOW!
URGENT: Donate to the SB277 Legal Efforts

Or your freedom to choose will go away.





Our Mission

Take Action

  • JOIN: Join the conversation and get daily action items by liking our public OKOC Facebook page, joining the OKOC Facebook group and on Twitter.
  • CONTACT: Contact your California State Senators and Assembly members to let them know your opposition to SB 277.
  • TALK: Spread the word to everyone you know to let them know this is happening.
  • DONATE: Please donate to help us in the fight to maintain our voice and freedoms.
  • ATTEND: Attend hearings as they are scheduled so your opposition is both seen and heard. 

We believe that personal rights and medical freedom of choice are values that should never be compromised. We believe that every child matters, and every voice counts!

Join Us

What is CA SB 277?

Senate bill 277 proposes to mandate for all children the administration of 10 vaccinations (49 doses birth to 6 years old alone, and 69 total by age 18) for entry into any day care facilities, public, private and home schools in California. This bill would eliminate the exemption from vaccination based upon personal beliefs, taking along with it religious exemptions, and leaving only hard to obtain medical exemptions as options for parents to opt out of even one vaccine for their children. SB277 has an added clause stating that the state department of health can add an unlimited amount of new vaccines to the mandate in the future “as they deem necessary.”  Combined with California Compulsory Education laws, which state that all children aged 6-18 years must attend school full time or risk being truant, SB277 threatens to criminalize parents for non-compliance with the vaccine mandate. 

Take Action Now

It's Not about whether to vaccinate or not; It's about preserving that choice.