Our Kids Our Choice: A Grassroots Organization For Medical Freedom and Opposing Medical Mandates, such as SB 277

Health Choice United (HCU), is a 501c4 non-profit organization dba Our Kids Our Choice (OKOC). Our Kids, Our Choice (OKOC) is a non-partisan, grassroots, web-based action platform established in early 2015. Diverse and supported by thousands of eager and civic-minded members, we have come together to defend the civil liberties of all Californians by voicing our opposition to medical mandates, including California Senate Bill 277 (Pan/Allen). We believe it is in our best interest as a society to maintain freedom of choice for what we put into our children’s bodies and our own. We oppose efforts to take away our parental freedom to protect our children and make decisions in our children’s best interest.

Individual members of OKOC hold a wide array of opinions about medical mandates and concerns about how they could harm Californian families. All of these concerns are sincere and valid, and we have been proud to offer an online forum where members can discuss them openly, along with their personal vaccination-related experiences.

HCU has incorporated the Health Choice / Health Freedom symbol into our logo as we wish to support the rebranding and reimagine of this movement. However, OKOC will retain it’s existing logo.

Health Choice United

Health Choice United (HCU), 501c4 dba Our Kids Our Choice (OKOC) is organized to:

  • develop and advocate for legislation regulations and government programs to promote and maintain parental, civil, religious and educational rights. HCU develops policy solutions for the emerging and growing issues of medical mandates and health choice.
  • direct efforts toward solutions that promote bodily/health rights through education of the population at large and by promoting legislation that prohibits impingement upon these rights as well as opposing legislation that moves to remove these rights.
  • develop and promote educational material that supports awareness of the current issues and aids in directional activity to advocate for health choice and medical freedom.
  • publicize the positions of elected officials regarding medical mandates and health choice.
  • promoting public awareness around the aforementioned and around corporate transparency regarding the research and findings of pharmaceutical products, medicines and other food or drugs intended for consumption, and the legislation associated with these products. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is Our Kids Our Choice?

Our Kids Our Choice is a grassroots, non-partisan organization for health and medical freedom composed of 9500+ registered voters from around California. OKOC is just one of the hundreds of health choice groups fighting for parental rights and health freedom worldwide.

  • What is the mission of Our Kids Our Choice (OKOC)?

The mission of OKOC is to uphold medical freedom for parents and children; preserve parental, civil, educational, religious, and informed consent rights; to oppose legislation that removes those rights; and to inform and encourage voters to contact their legislators to oppose medical mandates in California and beyond.

  • How and why did OKOC get started?

OKOC is a web-based action platform established in early 2015 in response to California Senate Bill 277 (Pan/Allen) that proposes to remove personal belief exemptions forcing all children aged 0-18 to vaccinate, regardless of their religion or medical status, in order to attend public school, private school or day care. Since then, OKOC has expanded to oppose other California medical mandates (SB 792 and AB 1117) and to help other groups nationwide in their fight for medical freedom.

  • Who are OKOC members?

OKOC members are parents, scientists, lawyers, professionals, teachers, activists, politicians, and individuals who believe it is in our best interest as a society to maintain freedom of choice for what we put into our children’s bodies and our own. OKOC members are Health Choice / Health Freedom Advocates who are proponents of science and research, education, calm communication, health and safety, vaccine-manufacturer and government transparency, and removal of vaccine manufacturer immunity.

  • How can others join OKOC?

OKOC is primarily web based. Health Choice / Health Freedom Advocates are encouraged to join us on Facebook and Twitter, and attend our peaceful rallies and marches.

Yes, we are proud to be part of this growing global movement and are happy to help promote the movement’s mission. As you see, we have incorporated the Health Choice / Health Freedom symbol into our HCU logo as we wish to support the rebranding and reimagine of this movement. However, OKOC will retain it’s existing logo. We encourage other health and food choice groups to formally take part in the Health Choice / Health Freedom Movement to help rebrand our public image.

  • How is OKOC working with other groups to oppose medical mandates?

There are several groups working in California and beyond to oppose SB 277, SB 792, and AB 1117. With so many groups and individuals involved, we are doing our best to work with and support people from these groups as best we can. We are very open to collaborating with and supporting efforts to defeat SB277 and its counterparts nationwide.